Father, please help me to show appreciation for what you have done in my life by faithfully serving you.
Judges 10
K. Michael
Better to walk uprightly before the Lord than to make confessions every day.
Proverbs 21:3
Peace is the portion of the perfect. Be upright in heart. Be blessed with the peace of God.
Psalm 37:37
K. Michael
Physical strength without the wisdom of God is like having food in your house and not being able to cook it.
Judges 16
K. Michael
Do not let your love for anyone cause you to disobey and betray your God because disobedience to the Lord leads to destruction.
Judge 16
K. Michael
Do not wait until you faint before you humble yourself before the Lord. Obey His instructions quickly.
K. Michael
You have a choice to the Lord's work willingly or to do it by force. Which is it going to be?
K. Michael
Love everyone.
Be merciful to whom the Lord is merciful. Have a good heart.
K. Michael